Find the Perfect Plan
PensionPro+™ offers a wide range of functions to help you manage member information, estimate benefits, process payroll, and more. Our tiered plans ensure that we can meet your unique needs.
Store active member demographic, payroll and contribution details. Perfect for funds looking for a simple out-of-the-box system of record.
Core Features Include
- Store Member Information
- Beneficiary, Disability and Death Tracking
- Store and Retrieve Members' Contribution Details
- Import Active Member Payroll Information
- Annual Member Statements
Does your fund need a bit more? Get the tools necessary for benefit calculations and estimates for refunds, buybacks, disability, and retirement.
Core Features Include
- Everything Included in Basic
- Benefit Calculations & Estimates
- Custom Reports
- Custom Outgoing Documents
Does your fund have more complex needs like a DROP or processing retiree payroll? This plan gives you complete functionality to manage these needs.
Core Features Include
- Everything Included in Advanced
- QDRO & POA Tracking
- Retiree Payroll Processing
- 1099 & W-2 Processing
- Additional Custom Reports
- Additional Outgoing Documents
PENSION PRO FEATURESModules and functions |
BASICGet a Demo |
PROGet a Demo |
PREMIUMGet a Demo |
Member Demographics Member Demographics Track member (Active and Retiree) demographics and contact Info |
Beneficiary Tracking Beneficiary Tracking Track beneficiary demographics, contact/address, and allocation |
Dependent Tracking Dependent Tracking Track dependents for health benefit |
QDRO Tracking QDRO Tracking Track alternate payees for domestic relation order |
POA Tracking POA Tracking Track Power of Attorney |
Employer Reporting Employer Reporting
Buybacks Buybacks Service Credit Purchase tracking |
Annual Interest Rollup Annual Interest Rollup Calculate and post annual interest |
Refunds Refunds Refund of contribution |
Annual Member Statements Annual Member Statements Generate annual member statements |
Retirement Calculator Retirement Calculator Retirement estimate calculator |
Retirement Estimates Retirement Estimates Retirement estimates with service and salary projections |
Retirement Tracking Retirement Tracking Retirement benefit tracking screen (no calculations) |
Retirement Benefit Calcuations Retirement Benefit Calcuations Retirement benefit calculations |
Disability Tracking Disability Tracking Track disability retirement benefits (no calculations) |
Disability Benefit Calculations Disability Benefit Calculations Disability retirement benefit calculations |
DROP DROP Deferred Retirement Option Program |
Death Tracking Death Tracking Death info tracking (no calculations) |
Death Benefit Death Benefit Death benefit calculations |
Retiree Payroll Retiree Payroll Process recurring payroll payments to retirees |
One-time Benefit Processing One-time Benefit Processing Process refunds, death and other one-time payments |
Payment Adjustments Payment Adjustments Void, re-issue payments |
Payment Interface (Outgoing)* Payment Interface (Outgoing)* Send Payment information to third-party electronically |
Payment Interface (Incoming)* Payment Interface (Incoming)* Receive and reconcile Payment information from third-party |
1099 And W-2 Processing 1099 And W-2 Processing Process year-end tax related 1099 and W-2 forms |
Actuarial Reporting / Extract Actuarial Reporting / Extract Actuarial valuation report / extract |
5 Custom Reports 5 Custom Reports Up to 5 custom reports |
10 Custom Reports 10 Custom Reports Up to 10 custom reports |
5 Outgoing Documents 5 Outgoing Documents Up to 5 outgoing documents |
10 Outgoing Documents 10 Outgoing Documents Up to 10 outgoing documents |
Insurance Portal Insurance Portal |
Need Something Extra?
We’ve Got You.
With customizable add-ons, you can personalize your pension fund software experience for even easier management.
Custom Reports
Create personalized reports based on key pension fund metrics to provide professionalism and efficiency across internal and external fund needs.
Outgoing Documents
Send important letters or documents individually or in bulk to your members, such as annual member statements, tax forms, and employee forms.
Member Self-Service Portal
Give your members direct access to their profiles, beneficiary information, wage and payroll history, retiree payments, annual statements, and yearly 1099s. Equip your active members with the tools to generate their own retirement estimates and start the retirement process.
Employer Self-Service Portal
Enable employers to view and update important member information, update their active member roster, and enroll new members.
Document Scanning
Scan, store, and index documents to reduce reliance on paper files and keep member details in a single location.
DocuSign Integration
Create and send envelopes through DocuSign to quickly collect signatures on important documents and reduce the need for paper documentation.
Create workflows for processing business functions like enrollment, refunds, and retirement.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Make your pension software even more secure with single sign-on to prevent unauthorized system access.
Data Conversion
Extract plan data from your existing systems into PensionPro+™ with support from the PTG team.
Say goodbye to filing cabinets, overstuffed folders, spreadsheets, and manual processes.
PensionPro+™ consolidates and stores critical member and fund information in a single, secure location.
Let PensionPro+ do the calculations for you.
With built-in tools for actuarial reporting, benefit estimates, disability calculators, and more, you can ensure every member’s needs are properly accounted for.
Empower and improve efficiency.
Member and employer self-service portals enable your constituents to view, control, and update their information in a few clicks.
Let’s Talk About Your Public Pension Fund
Whether you have questions, would like a personalized demo, or want to dive right in, our friendly, knowledgeable team is here for you.
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